Vaultara Blog

Medical image sharing: what's to come in 2016?

Advancements in medical imaging have revolutionized the way in which clinical diagnoses are made, allowing for the monitoring of disease and the treatment of illnesses to be much more effective than ever before. The ability to obtain specific information about the human body visually, via the non-invasive methods of radiology, nuclear medicine, and even optical imaging, has opened up an entirely new genre of modern medicine. But how do those in the medical field go about distributing the data that they receive, to both colleagues and patients alike? As the technological world grows, so does our ability to connect and share information. With advances in technology taking place on a frequent basis, let's take a look at medical image sharing on the whole - and what's on the horizon for the year ahead.

Medical image sharing 2016

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The cloud vs. on-premise: what’s the right solution for healthcare?

By Amy Weaver In Health IT November 19, 2015 no comments

As the world transforms from the age of physical information into a generation of digital data, a new era of technological solutions has dawned. Every industry, organization, and business is looking towards a more viable future for its IT applications, and right now no platform is causing more controversy than the cloud. With a huge number of companies throughout every sector moving over to the cloud, it's no wonder that it's causing quite a stir.Flight_ATC.jpg

While some argue that the cloud is the way forward for information technology as we know it, others have valid concerns about taking the leap. As practical a solution as the cloud may be for some, it undoubtedly won't fit the needs for every sector. Let's take a look at the cloud vs. on-premise solutions and which is most appropriate for the healthcare industry, specifically.

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